Food Sensitivity Testing

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You are what you eat – is your food making you unwell?

Adverse reactions to food are very common. You could be suffering from them without even knowing it.

You may be feeling a little tired, suffering regular headaches or stomach aches and bloating, and the foods you eat could be the culprit.

A large percentage of the population is thought to suffer from food sensitivities at some time or other, and it is not necessarily because you are eating a bad diet. A healthy diet can even cause you problems.

What is the difference between food allergies and food sensitivities?

Food allergy and food sensitivity are entirely different.

With an allergy you will quickly become aware you’ve eaten something that doesn’t agree with you. You can swell up, develop a rash or have vomiting and diarrhoea and it can come on within an hour of eating the food.

Food sensitivities, on the other hand, are not so easy to identify. It can sometimes take days to make themselves known, because it is a build up of the food that causes the problem. This is known as a ‘masked sensitivity’

As a result, food sensitivities are thought to affect most of the UK but they are completely unaware of the reason.

The Alternative Health Check at The Wyndham Centre is a great way to find out which foods may be causing your problems.

Some of the symptoms connected to Food Allergies and Intolerance include:

General Symptoms
Fatigue, headaches, recurrent oedema, intermittent poor memory, lack of concentration.

Ear, Nose and Throat diseases
Sinusitis, rhinitis, recurrent upper respiratory tract infections.

Gastro-intestinal diseases
Nausea, vomiting, peptic ulceration, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, pruritis, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), bloating.

Skin diseases
Eczema, urticaria, contact dermatitis, acne.

Respiratory disease
Asthma, bronchitis.

Cardio-vascular diseases
Palpitations, angina.

Muscular-skeletal diseases
Rheumatoid arthritis, Ankylosing Spondylitis, Osteo-arthritis.

Genito-urinary diseases
Recurrent cystitis, frequency.

Psychiatric diseases
Alcoholism, depression, agoraphobia, learning disorders, behavioural problems, hyperactivity.

These symptoms are very broad, however, if you suffer with any of them it would be worth getting tested.

Visiting us isn’t like visiting the doctor. We practice from a welcoming, walk in clinic based in Baldock, Hertfordshire.

We focus on improving your lifestyle and health and giving you advice, information and techniques that you can do at home to make sure you stay well and healthy, even after your treatment has finished.

How Food Sensitivity Testing Works and What to Expect

The Vega machine is a means of checking for any food and airborne sensitivities and energetic function of the body, using bio-energetic medicine looking at the body as an energy.

Conventional medicine has no concept of biological energy, it tends to investigate the body looking at morphology. All other forms of medicine, which represent 80% of medicine practised, have some concept of vital force or energy of some description.

The Vega machine measures the resistance across the skin. A direct voltage of 0.87 volts is applied with a hand held electrode over an acupuncture point on the toe and the patient holds another electrode to complete the circuit.

Results are instantaneous and given with recommendations and advice on diet.

Food Sensitivity Testing Explained

We offer two types of test:-

The Alternative Health Check Silver requires a simple questionnaire of symptoms you may be suffering and includes the Vega test for food and airborne sensitivities with a general scan of the body energies. At the end of the test you will receive your results with suggestions for improving your diet and lifestyle for optimum health.

Please note: The Alternative Health Check Silver is only available in Baldock, Hertfordshire

How much does the test cost?

The Alternative Health Check Silver £145

Subsequent Retest: 30 minutes – £86

Please note: The Alternative Health Check Silver is only available in Baldock, Hertfordshire

A 50% non-refundable deposit will be taken at the time of booking for all initial consultations for the Alternative Health Check Silver.  The remaining balance will then be payable on the date of the appointment.

The Wyndham Centre – Who Are We?

We have been providing fast, professional and affordable treatments since 1979. What we offer in our medical clinic is accurate, immediate results, representing excellent value for money. We then can offer solutions to overcome any intolerances you may have.

We are dedicated to providing a professional service with clear and precise information about food sensitivities, how to cope with it and how your new diet can lead to a new you. Alison Wyndham, founder of the Wyndham Centre, has over 35 years experience in food sensitivities and has helped many people make a genuine difference to their quality of life.

With our highly knowledgeable team, we are committed to offering the best after care available and will endeavour to answer any questions you may have. With locations in Hertfordshire we’re easy to visit too.


Do I need to take the test?

Yes, if you have experienced any of the symptoms referred to in the food intolerance symptoms. If your GP has also confirmed that there are no other causes of you feeling unwell, it would be sensible to make an appointment.

Does food intolerance affect any particular age group?

No, it can impact on anyone’s health. Research has shown that everyone from children to pensioners can benefit from altering their diet after receiving their test results.

Will I have the same results as other members of my family?

Your results wouldn’t necessarily be the same – each case is different.

Will I ever be able to eat the problem foods my test results identify again?

There is no reason why not, although the process must be handled carefully. The objective is to not overload the body but introduce a food gradually and try not to eat the particular food every day – once or twice a week at the most.

Do I need to miss out on meals at any time?

No. The problem foods that you are encouraged to remove from your diet can be replaced with others that are suitable. Using a range of your allowed foods in the future will also help to prevent other intolerances forming.

Where will I get my calcium from if I’m shown to react adversely to milk?

There are still plenty of other sources available to you, from green vegetables such as cabbage, spinach and broccoli to fish where the bones are eaten, nuts, seeds, legumes, whole grains and soya. If necessary I may recommend a suitable supplement.

Will I still be able to drink alcohol, such as wine and beer?

The test will check your reaction to the main ingredients of alcoholic drinks, such as grapes, yeast and grains. If you show a reaction to any of these ingredients, it would be advisable to choose an alcoholic drink that doesn’t contain any of them.

How long should I wait before taking the test again?

Generally we recommend a retest after 8-12 weeks.

Why should I use The Wyndham Centre?

We have 35 years experience in Food Sensitivity Testing, and are dedicated to providing a professional service with clear and precise information about food sensitivities, how to cope with it and how your new diet can lead to a new you. We are committed to offering the best after care available and will endeavour to answer any questions you may have.

How much does the test cost?

The Alternative Health Check Silver £136
Subsequent Retest: 30 minutes – £80

Preventative medicine is a very important part of our service and we spend time teaching you how to avoid any recurrence of your problem.


Some of the comments we’ve received from our clients..

“I have a much more normal lifestyle, with IBS perfectly under control!”

“When I first contacted Alison Wyndham I was in despair at the way that IBS was ruling my life – chronic diahorrea, bloating, stomach cramps and urgency that was difficult to cope with. Having taken her advice and treatment I can honestly say that I don’t have IBS problems – unless I stray from the diet she advised.
I have a much more normal lifestyle, with IBS perfectly under control. One unexpected (for me) bonus of her treatment is that, after many years of IBS, my skin and hair were in poor condition but now they are really healthy – and look it! Thank you, Alison!”

J Graham

“my tummy looks flatter, my hands not so swollen, so all in all its great.”

“After visiting Alison Wyndham in January 08 and following her advice on giving up certain foods and drink for 6 weeks, my digestive system, indigestion, and bloatedness, did subside.

I do believe that if I cut out all these products and changed my diet/life style accordingly I would feel a lot better all of the time.

I am trying to be good again now, and have done for nearly 10 days, and to be fair, although I felt ill the first two days, my body has now adjusted and my tummy looks flatter, my hands not so swollen, so all in all its great.”

A Brown

“thank you Alison for all your care and support you have always given me and still do”

“I find it very hard to believe that only 18 months ago I was so very ill and in so much pain. My allergies were all over the place, my body was full of trauma, and really I was at my lowest state I had ever been.

I was put onto the vega machine, which gives Alison Wyndham a reading of what is wrong and what part of the body is not working, correct.

She then started testing my blood pressure, cholesterol, my sugar levels, and also all my allergies, there were so many things wrong with me no wonder I felt so ill.

It was going to be a long process and I was willing to do, as Alison wanted me to do.

Firstly she changed my diet completely by cutting out all the things I was allergic to, which did not leave a lot left, but Alison gave me lists of everything that I could have in its place, so you really don’t go without. My blood sugar was so high I was on the brink of being a diabetic so a lot in my diet had to change or else I would be a diabetic. My cholesterol and blood pressure was also high but Alison was able to assure me she would put things right.

Alison gave me herbal preparations that I had never taken before, I did exactly as she told me to do, and within a very short time I was begin to feel better.

I am at a stage that I have introduced some foods back into my diet, but if I get a bad reaction, which sometimes happens, I know I have to avoid that certain food.

My blood pressure is normal, cholesterol is low, my blood sugar is low and I am no longer at risk, and the trauma my body was in is really non existing.

I have done what Alison had advised me to do all the way through and I only see Alison every three months now, she has given me a quality of life I did not have before, I have been abroad many times which I have never done before, and do so much in my life now I have to say thank you Alison for all your care and support you have always given me and still do.”


Start feeling better. Make a difference, today.

Book Your Food Intolerance Test Online!

Wyndham Health