Could what you eat be making you ill?
“It must have been something I ate” – Around 45% of the UK may suffer adverse reactions to what they eat at some time. Could you be one of them?
“It must have been something I ate” – Around 45% of the UK may suffer adverse reactions to what they eat at some time. Could you be one of them?
Repetitive strain injury (RSI) is a name given to a group of injuries affecting tendons and nerves primarily of the neck and upper limbs. It is an umbrella term for Work Related Upper Limb Disorders (WRULD). There are two types of RSI: * Specific conditions – including tenosynovitis and tendonitis, (inflammation of a tendon), bursitis … Read more
Whether you enjoy lazing around on the sofa, digging up the garden weeds or pounding the pavements to produce that wash board chest in time for the summer holiday, you are very much at risk of experiencing lower back pain (LBP). LBP is a huge problem all over the world affecting both men and women … Read more
Now that one in three people develop cancer it is vital that we realise that the 21st Century environment and lifestyle could be responsible, and make the necessary changes. The four main causes of chronic disease are: Poisons Radiation Lack of vitamins and minerals Fears and emotions Poisons These are chemicals in our food, the … Read more