Diabetic Complications May Be a B1 Deficiency

Diabetes is a deadly and disabling disease with many risks and complications, including nerve damage, kidney and eye problems and even heart failure. We are told that these are the inevitable result of not keeping blood sugar levels within strict limits. However a pharmacist, Dr Stuart Lindsey, who suffers from type 2 diabetes himself, believes … Read more

How does Magnesium Deficiency effect you?

Would you like? More energy? Less muscle pain? Better moods? Fewer headaches? Improved GI function? Then you need Ultra Muscleze! A High Strength Support for Muscles, Cardiovascular and Nerve Health Ultra Muscleze is a magnesium resuscitation beverage that includes Malic Acid, Glutamine, Taurine and L-Carnitine to help unleash energy and achieve new levels of health … Read more

Are you an ‘apple’ or ‘pear’?

Often people are concerned about the shape of their body and the way this makes them look and feel. However your body shape could be an indicator to a potential health problem. An ‘apple’ shaped body tends to have fat above the waist, whereas a ‘pear’ shaped body carries fat below the waist. Men with … Read more

Are You Suffering From Depression?

‘Depression’ is often used to describe when someone is feeling ‘low’, ‘miserable’, ‘in a mood’, or having ‘got out of bed on the wrong side’. However, doctors use the word in two different ways. They can use it to describe the symptom of a ‘low mood’, or to refer to a specific illness, ie a … Read more

Signs and symptoms of stress

Chronic fatigue and exhaustion Disturbed sleep or insomnia Alcohol intolerance Depression Headaches Irritability Muscle weakness Poor concentration Mood swings Frequent infections Poor digestion Poor memory PMS

Antidepressants….Good or Bad?

Someone you love seems different all of a sudden. They’re sad all the time. They may even be clinically depressed. What do you do to help this person? Probably your first reaction is to run to a psychiatrist or a  doctor for help. Depression is among the most common problems in medicine and soon will be the … Read more

The Healthy Heart Check

Heart disease is the number one killer in this country. 1 in 3 women and 1 in 2 men die from heart disease. So, contrary to popular belief, women die of heart attack almost as much as men – and more often than they die of breast cancer. Cardiovascular disease affects 2/3rds of the affluent … Read more

Wyndham Health