What is Back Pain?

Back pain is a huge problem all over the world affecting both men and women alike, and strikes every type of worker, from truck drivers and laborer’s, to executives and homemakers, browse this site to get professional help to treat this problem. Although back pain is common, when you are the one who has it, it … Read more

What is Neck Pain?

Neck pain is a very common condition and most people will suffer pain in their neck at some point in their life. According to a Chronic Neck Pain Care service, neck pain can range from a mild discomfort to a more severe pain and be due to a sudden acute onset or be more of … Read more

Could parasites be making you fat?

Diet, exercise and lifestyle are the things we tend to think of when trying to lose weight, but there is another cause which is often overlooked – that is parasites! Parasites are bacteria, viruses, fungi, bugs and worms, and they cause a multitude of problems. By definition, they live off other living things. They need … Read more

6 Natural Ways to Help Reduce Muscle Spasm and Pain

Muscle pain, muscle spasm and muscle cramps are very prevalent these days despite lots of hands on treatments, over the counter medications and self help techniques. These techniques work, but unless you change the habits that create the pains on a day to day basis, they will return to haunt you! Instead of taking medications, … Read more

It could be Caused by Your Gut…

Are you suffering from headaches, nausea, belching, bloating, tiredness and muscle aches? Would it surprise you if I told you that it is probably caused by your gut? Your body needs to process the food you eat, strip it of its essential nutrients and eliminate the waste as soon as possible for you to feel … Read more

Switch off your Pain

Picture this scenario: you are walking along in a hurry and you don’t see that the pavement has a dip in it……suddenly you are saving yourself from falling, and there is a searing pain in your ankle! You have twisted it and already it is beginning to swell up. All very nasty and the first … Read more

Tennis Elbow

Tennis is a great game to watch and even better to play. Whether you are a serious player or someone who just likes to have a knock around more socially, it can lead to problems that if not caught early, can lead to significant lay off through injury. Here, we will outline a couple of … Read more


Most people suffer from back pain or sciatica at least once in their lives. It is a very common problem but it doesn’t have to be serious. Your spine is one of the strongest parts of your body. It is made of solid bony blocks (vertebrae) separated by discs (a bit like a jam doughnut … Read more

The Importance of Stretching

For specific stretches please give us a call to make an appointment with one of our chartered physiotherapists – Fleet Street 020 7404 0023 or Baldock 01462 893586. General Stretches: The benefits of stretching include reduced muscle soreness after exercising and even better performance. Do not bounce – it risks pulling or tearing the muscle … Read more

Wyndham Health