Fight Disease with One Simple Dietary Change

Can the kind of fats you eat really be a major culprit in lowering your immune system, arthritis, cancer, and heart disease? Dr. Andrew Weil a Harvard Medical School graduate and internationally-recognized nutrition expert, says they can. He says dietary fats are vital to health, because they either promote or combat inflammation, and as I … Read more

Vitamin D….. The Essential Vitamin

We are definitely into winter now and unlikely to get our Vitamin D from the sunshine. So it is important that everyone takes a supplement during the winter months as research show that the average person today has lower levels of Vitamin D than their parents had 30 years ago! Vitamin D is essential for: … Read more

Another Cause of Back Pain

The circulation of your blood is vital to life but if that blood is full of toxins it can also be a cause of pain.  In fact, many forms of pain, illness and disease can be linked to, or are caused by toxic blood. In certain states the blood can actually harm the body.  These … Read more

Inflammation – the Prime Factor for Disease

Science has concluded that the prime factor in the majority of disease, including heart disease, diabetes, obesity and cancer is ‘inflammation’. So, if that is the case why do we get inflammation and how do we prevent it? A bad diet can play a huge part in the production of inflammation because there are certain … Read more

4 Superfoods That Relieve Arthritis Pain

According to Jim Healthy a health writer and researcher, there are certain foods that can help with relieving the pain of arthritis. If you suffer from arthritis, you’ve certainly heard all about the latest wonder drugs and surgical procedures that can be used to ‘cure’ you. However we all know that the medical industry will … Read more

Statins Cause Infections and Inflammation!

Researchers have discovered that one of the most widely prescribed drugs for lowering cholesterol has a serious side effect that causes widespread infection and inflammation. The statin drug, simvastatin, blocks the body’s natural abilities to kill infections, and it also encourages the growth of other molecules that increase inflammation in the body. Scientists from the … Read more

Vitamin D

Have you often wondered why you feel better in the summer when the sun is out? Well the simple answer is Vitamin D.  Virtually every organ system in your body is dependent on sunshine for optimal performance because it triggers Vitamin D production in your cells.  Vitamin D is an ‘essential’ vitamin which means that … Read more

Tennis Elbow

Summer tends to encourage us all to hit the sun drenched tennis courts. Unfortunately, it also means that it’s the time of year for tennis related injuries. One of the most common is tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis), a pain on the outside of the elbow, which can radiate down into the forearm. This involves a … Read more

What’s Causing Your Knee Pain?

Do you have knee pain and are not sure of where it might be coming from? Well here are some little pointers that might give you a clue as to what might be causing the problem. Trauma Fracture – if there has been trauma and you are having significant pain with all movements, then ruling … Read more

Wyndham Health