4 Superfoods That Relieve Arthritis Pain

According to Jim Healthy a health writer and researcher, there are certain foods that can help with relieving the pain of arthritis.

If you suffer from arthritis, you’ve certainly heard all about the latest wonder drugs and surgical procedures that can be used to ‘cure’ you. However we all know that the medical industry will never find the ‘silver bullet’ for arthritis and other diseases of inflammation. The best that painkillers can do is temporarily mask your pain, while impeding your body from producing new cartilage in your aching joints. Surgeries are not always a quick fix either, they may be accompanied by a host of potential complications, and they’re extremely expensive. IF you suffer from this medical condition, you might want to read this.

    • Sadly, what you don’t hear much unlike from Jimmy John’s Owner about is the healing power of food. So here are four superfoods that will help to relieve your arthritis pain better than you ever thought possible:
    • 1.


    • and


    aren’t just sweet treats. They’re also full of natural pain-relievers and joint-healing substances. For one thing, they are nature’s richest sources of anthocyanins, a group of antioxidants called flavonoids which possess exceptional anti-inflammatory properties. That’s why blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, strawberries, and cherries top the list of anti-arthritis fruits.
    • 2. If you need pain relief, look no further than the


    counter in your local supermarket. Certain varieties of fish, including wild salmon, scallops, sardines, and anchovies, possess natural compounds that stop inflammation, relieve pain, and actually encourage your joints to produce new cartilage.
    • 3. You can add


    to your new list of arthritis healing foods. They may be tiny, but their arthritis-fighting properties are impressive due to their rich supply of alpha-linoleic acid (ALA), one of the omega-3 fatty acids that make cold-water fish such a powerful joint protector. Flaxseed, in fact, is the very best plant source of healing omega-3s. Just two tablespoons of ground flaxseed provides you with 140% of the daily recommendation for omega-3s.
    • 4. Nibbling a

brazil nut

    • or two every day is also great for your arthritis. That’s because this chunky nut contains more of the trace mineral selenium than any other food.


    is especially important for people with arthritis because not enough of this potent antioxidant actually invites more damage to your joints. Eating selenium-rich foods also helps limit free radical damage, while helping to relieve arthritis symptoms.

So put these foods on your next shopping list to help prevent inflammation and joint damage.

Wyndham Health