The Importance of Healthy Eating

The summer is a great time to think about your eating habits. You can go for lovely green salads, raw green vegetables and the beautiful fruits such as the berries and currents that are around. In fact, that’s what this popular Naturopathic Clinic homepage encourages. If possible try to eat organic foods because it puts … Read more

How diet can affect bone health

The main stream definition of osteoporosis portrays bones as static structures, indicating that when bone deteriorates there is nothing that you can do to reverse or stop it except take medicines to correct the problem. However, there is no miracle drug without side effects and infact bone loss or osteoporosis, can be prevented or even … Read more

Are you an ‘apple’ or ‘pear’?

Often people are concerned about the shape of their body and the way this makes them look and feel. However your body shape could be an indicator to a potential health problem. An ‘apple’ shaped body tends to have fat above the waist, whereas a ‘pear’ shaped body carries fat below the waist. Men with … Read more

Sunscreens….good or bad for you?

It is so true that when the sun is out we all feel so much better. People have a smile on their face, colour in their cheeks and walk upright, striding out! Why is this? Well one reason is that whilst you are out in the sun you are getting your Vitamin D which is … Read more

Statin drugs – a Gentle Decline

So now the medical profession want to put everyone over the age of 55 on statins and blood pressure drugs, whether they need them or not and without examining them for any problems. Supposedly it will cut costs! My question is: Are the side effects associated with statins worth the risk? Just in my practice … Read more

Are You Suffering From Depression?

‘Depression’ is often used to describe when someone is feeling ‘low’, ‘miserable’, ‘in a mood’, or having ‘got out of bed on the wrong side’. However, doctors use the word in two different ways. They can use it to describe the symptom of a ‘low mood’, or to refer to a specific illness, ie a … Read more

Help for Hayfever

Well, the hayfever season seems to be with us already. The warmer months of spring and summer mean that we can start enjoying more of our favourite outdoor activities. Whether it’s strolling through the woods, cycling along the riverbanks, taking the dog for a walk, playing cricket out in the fields, or simply relaxing in … Read more

Even Milk can cause Osteoporosis

Looking after your bones is so important if you already suffer from osteoporosis or osteopenia, or you want to prevent it occurring. Most people think that once you have bone loss you cannot restore it but that is simply not the case. If you see your Dr, it is quite likely that they will want … Read more

Wyndham Health